United Methodist Women
Contact person: Dorotha Fenton
United Methodist Women is an integral part of the United Methodist Church. It was organized in 1869 with a total of six members. Currently, over one million lay women participate as members of this inclusive mission organization. The purpose of United Methodist women remains the same as it was over 100 years ago. United Methodist Women are organized for mission. They seek wholeness for themselves as others, especially women, youth and children.
Mary Martha Circle: Meets the 2nd Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the Parlor
Ruth Rachel Circle: Meets the 2nd Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor
Contact person: Nancy Cody
Rebekah Circle consists of a group of women who meet once a week, on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 in the church library. The first 30 minutes are reserved for visiting, catching up on what is going on in one another’s lives and in the lives of those we care about, and giving those who are occasionally late time to come in before the actual study begins at 10:00. We usually study three books a year, books which encourage us to grow spiritually and intellectually as Christians. We like to challenge ourselves to be honest, open to self-examination and new ideas. At times we share laughter and tears, but we ALWAYS share a closeness to one another through Jesus Christ.
Our Wednesday Men’s study takes place at noon.
FUMC Book Club is an occasional Zoom-based study of a book chosen by the pastor. It is always open to everyone.